E-mail: info@ecubedfoundation.org

E Cubed Foundation Enrich, Encourage and Educate

Enrich, Encourage and Educate

Who We Are

The Board of Trustees is made up of parents, educators, residents and community leaders who volunteer their time and knowledge.

What We Do

We provide you with a way to support excellence in our rural schools on a tax deductible basis. You can do this by making direct contributions, memorials or gifts. We use these contributions for special projects over and above those in the school budget. Our EIN number is 270031247.

Donate Now

Who Benefits?


Businesses share the resources and reap the benefits of competent, career-oriented students entering the work force.


Teachers are awarded mini grants to help them enrich classroom knowledge and use innovative learning aids and field trips for the students.

Community Members

The community gains confidence in our County's education system through their involvement with schools and students.

Enrichment Areas

Fine Arts

Students participate in dance, music, theatre, poetry performances and art.

Hands-on Science

Students enjoy Lawrence Hall of Science workshops, Yosemite or Pinnacles Science Camp or learn to use Science Field Equipment.


We field special requests like language, video training or BMX performances.